Love and Compassion on the Streets of Nicaragua
Written by: Christine Pelletier
Members of the team with Tita, Maria, Cynthia, Jennifer and Angela.
I started my day in conversation with Tita, Maria, Cynthia, Jennifer & Angela. On my first day I was a bit shy due to the language barrier. However with the help of the locals and google translator, I am able to make wonderful connections and forever friendships.
We shared about our children and showed each other pictures. 25 year old Tita is 7 months pregnant with her third baby. Her daughter will be 8 in a couple of weeks and her son is 7. Tita shared that her husband is currently in rehab and she spoke of the struggles she is currently facing. She has a beautiful community of women who support her. I plan on following up on her journey once I return home.
We headed out a little after breakfast to go on a “Prayer Walk.” There were 5 of us in our group. We met a beautiful elderly woman named Maria and her son, Pedro. Maria has been living in her home for 40 years, 30 of which has been alone. She moved there because it was a peaceful area to live. Years later, a school was built directly across the street. She says that she no longer has peace at her home because the students throw rocks at her home daily. She reaches out to teachers and the principal, but nothing has been done. There was so much hurt in her eyes. Maria is suffering with numerous pains throughout her body. In her earlier years, she washed and ironed clothes for a living and it was really hard on her body. She does not believe in the health system as it has failed her, so she does not receive any medical help.
We talked for a long time with Maria and Pedro and then we ended in prayer. Maria was brought to tears feeling the Holy Spirit. This was a very beautiful experience in which I immediately felt so much LOVE for both of them.
We also prayed for a family who has a 4 month baby who was born very early and had been very sick. This family also has more children. Their oldest child is Alexis. They are also raising their little cousin, Dominic who’s mom is in active addiction.
It is beautiful how God works. My two oldest children’s names are Alexis and Dominic.
I immediately felt a connection and was brought to tears. Next, we started praying for a 16 year old boy who is in active addiction. He was brought to tears and I was brought to tears.
Addiction is so prominent in a lot of these people’s lives in one way or another, and in one way or another it is with mine as well.
My journey in this beautiful land thus far has been life changing. I will leave here with life long friends and beautiful memories and my heart will leave with more LOVE than I came here with.